Acceptable Usage Agreement
Student Agreement
I understand that the use of ICT resources at Good Shepherd Christian School is a privilege, which involves the acceptance of certain responsibilities. I understand and agree to the following:
In using ICT resources appropriate for all learning tasks I will:
- Only use electronic devices for educational purposes
- Only use ICT resources and access websites that have been authorised a teacher
- Be considerate of other users. I will respect their privacy, and not seek access to files or messages intended for, or belonging to, others
- Report any damage, errors or faults with ICT resources to my teacher immediately
- Report accidental access to controversial, inappropriate or offensive material to my teacher
- Gain permission to print material, only print material related to my education
- Be responsible for caring for, transporting and storing my computer in a safe manner
I will not use ICT resources to:
- Access non-educational websites; such as streaming sounds, music, videos and games
- Entertain myself or others during break times
- Access, copy or distribute any material that is controversial, inappropriate, obscene or offensive
- Take photos or videos of other people without their consent
- Use, manipulate or transmit photos of members of students or staff without their (and their teachers) prior approval
- Be involved with electronic or physical vandalism, harassment or bullying
- Reveal my full name, personal address, phone number, or those of other students or staff in any electronic communications
- Download or install any software, violate copyright, intellectual property or licensing laws
- Access the control panel, system configuration, or make any changes to settings, passwords
School staff and the student’s parents have the right to access and inspect the contents of student files and emails at any time. Random audits of student files will be carried out regularly. Students found to be violating this policy or any law will receive the appropriate consequences.
I accept that breaching this agreement will result in me losing access to ICT resources temporarily or permanently, depending on the seriousness of the offence. For serious matters, disciplinary action by the school administration will be taken.
Good Shepherd Christian School